System prerequisites

Finding your BIS version

Finding your BIS version

    Depending on your operating system, there are several options to find out your BIS version:

  • option 1 for Windows users

  • option 2 for Windows users

  • option 3 for Windows users

  • for Linux users

Finding your BIS version (option 1 for Windows users)

Note: In order to find out your BIS version, you first need to know where your BIS is installed.

> Finding the BIS installation folder

  1. Open the File Explorer.

  2. Navigate to your BIS folder.

  3. Navigate to the software folder.

  4. Click the version.cmd.

    Note: In case you do not see the file ending, you can derive the document type from the Type column. The type should be windows script.
    A new command line window opens.
  5. Scroll down until you see a small table. You can see your BIS version here.

  6. You can close the command line window now.

Note: If option 1 does not work, please try option 2.

Finding your BIS version (option 2 for Windows users)

Note: In order to find out your BIS version, you first need to know where your BIS is installed.

> Finding the BIS installation folder

  1. Open the File Explorer.

  2. Navigate to your BIS folder.

  3. Navigate to the software folder.

  4. Navigate to the spm-repository folder.

  5. Open the released.txt file with an editor.

  6. You can find your version where it says Version.

Note: If option 2 does not work, please try option 3.

Finding your BIS version (option 3 for Windows users)

Note: In order to find out your BIS version, you first need to know where your BIS is installed.

> Finding the BIS installation folder

  1. Open the File Explorer.

  2. Navigate to your BIS folder.

  3. Navigate to the bin folder.

  4. Click the client.bat.

    Note: In case you do not see the file ending, you can derive the document type from the Type column. The type should be windows script.
    A new command line window opens.
  5. In the command line window, write version-history.

  6. Click the enter key on your keyboard.

  7. The displayed table in the command line shows which BIS version you have.

  8. Write shell:logout.

    Warning: Do not write exit or quit. This may stop the BIS.
  9. Clickthe enter key on your keyboard to close the prompt.

  10. You can close the command line now.

Finding your BIS version (for Linux users)

Note: In order to find out your BIS version, you first need to know where your BIS is installed.

> Finding the BIS installation folder

Execute /opt/seeburger/bis/bin/ the client is not found, try a different command: /opt/seeburger/bis/software/

You can find your version where it says Version, under Installation Information.

Sample output of the

Executing /opt/seeburger/bis/software/ (BISAS_HOME=/opt/seeburger/bis) ...


BIS6 Version Info Version: 1.0


[System information]

Date Time: 2024-02-16 16:35:24

Language: English

TimeZone: Central European Time

TimeZone ID: Europe/Berlin


OS Arch: amd64

OS: Linux

OS Version: 4.12.14-122.54-default

OS Data Model: 64 bits


Number of CPU Cores: 8

JVM version: 1.8.0_172/25.172-b11

JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation

Java Home Path: /opt/seeburger/bis/runtime/jvm64/jre

User Locale: N/A

Default Encoding: UTF-8

Registered InstanceIDs: CENTRAL




[Setup information for Instance CENTRAL]

Instance: CENTRAL

Status: ok

[Installation History for Instance CENTRAL]


Date Type Version Build Label


| 2018-09-30 08:29:00 | UPGRADE | BIS-6.5.2_SP62 | 1.0 | 20180720-151142

| 2019-10-06 23:18:55 | HOTFIX | BIS-6.5.2_SP62 | 1.0 | 20180720-151142 (B6-652-1288,B6-652-1311)

| 2021-11-01 22:10:37 | REPAIR | BIS-6.5.2_SP62 | 1.0 | 20180720-151142

| 2022-01-31 07:55:15 | REPAIR | BIS-6.5.2_SP62 | 1.0 | 20180720-151142


[Installation Information for Instance CENTRAL]

Home: /opt/seeburger/bis

Activated Roles: AdminServer;ProcessEngine;AdapterEngine;WLH

Packages: 1200B6, 1201B6, 1203B6, 1204B6, 1206B6, 1209B6, 1210B6, 1220B6, 1225B6, 1240B6, 1241B6, 2010B6, 2300B6, 2302B6, 2440B6, 3000B6, 3010B6, 3020B6, 3030B6, 3040B6, 3060B6, 3080B6, 3100B6, 4000B6, 4016B6, 4021B6, 4101B6, 4103B6, 4105B6, 4106B6, 4110B6, 4121B6, 4200B6, 4201B6, 4202B6, 4206B6, 4207B6, 4211B6, 4220B6, 6910B6, I05AVD, I07AVD, I15AVD, O06AVD, O13AVD, P2010B6, S-11001-LIB, S-11006, S-12008, S7200B6, SA700-EU, SA704-EU, SA790