B2B Solution

Creating outbound entities

Creating outbound entities

Note: The following process requires using the trading partner configuration SEEBURGER set up in the article linked here:

> Creating new masterdata entry for trading partners

To create an outbound entity, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app Masterdata Navigator.

  2. Navigate to the path Entities > B2B CPG Customer > Germany > SEEBURGER.

  3. Select the dropdown + New > + New.

  4. In the new window Create New Masterdata, ensure that the following fields match the screenshot below:

    • For Name enter “INVOIC_D96A”.
    • For Entity Class select Outbound Message Retailer.
      Note: Keep the default values for all other settings.
  5. Click OK.

  6. In the next window New Entity „INVOIC_D96A“, under the section Administration, select the plus sign (+) > SSCPartnerConversion.

  7. Using the same plus sign (+), select the plus sign (+) > SSCForwardingOutbound with the subtype ForwardingAS2.

  8. Ensure that the fields of the section CriteriaSSCOutboundProcess are as follows:

    • For Business process type select Invoice.
    • For Host binding select ERP_HOST.
    • For ERP-identifier enter “SEEBURGER”.
  9. Ensure that the fields of the section SSCPartnerConversion are as follows:

    • For Partner mapping name select the previously deployed mapping <Seeburger standard mappings>/SEEBURGER_CPG_GLOBAL_INVOIC_D96A_OUT.
      Note: You can filter the mapping name by typing “ORDERS” into the field Partner mapping name.
    Note: Keep the default values for all other settings.
  10. Ensure that the fields of the section SSCForwardingOutbound - SSCForwardingAS2Type are as follows:

    • For Send mode select Prod mode.
    • For AS2 relation select see_SEEBURGER.
    • For AS2 relation (test) select see:SEEBURGER.
      Note: Keep the default values for all other settings.
  11. Click Save.