Masterdata Navigator

Incoming Transports

Incoming Transports

In the Incoming Transport screen, the user has an overview of all received transports. Records, which contain in this transport, are listed when opening it. Currently, editing these records is not supported.A user can reserve incoming transports, and then that user can work on this transport, nobody else. Releasing this reserved transport can only be done by the user who has reserved it or by the administrator.The incoming transport is verified automatically after receiving. Depending on the processing type, the received transport will be applied automatically (when the processing type is "auto" and if the verification was successful) or will need user interaction to apply the received transport (by clicking Apply button).After applying the changes, the button Copy to outgoing is enabled, and the user can use it for forwarding this transport to another system.There is a reorganization job "TRANSPORTS_REORG" that removes old transports. By default, all transports older than 30 days of all categories and directions of the transport modes (manual, autoapply, and autodeploy) are removed.

Incoming transports can be downloaded and uploaded to other systems.