Masterdata Navigator



    There are 3 different ways to navigate through records in the app Masterdata Navigator:

  • Using the menu tree

  • Using the path selection in the navigation field

  • Using the search bar

Using the menu tree

The menu tree on the left side allows you to navigate through the communication masterdata in a hierarchical manner.

Using the path selection

The navigation field on the top allows you to select the path to a menu item. Use the arrow icon > to select the path elements from the drop-down list.

Other options are:

type the path in the navigation field and use auto-completion

copy and paste a value, for example Communication/AS2/

Using the search bar

Note: Depending on the path item you have selected, the search will be executed at this level and at all deeper levels. A search in All considers all records, while a search in Communication only searches within the Communication masterdata.

Combinations with AND, OR, and NOT are possible. Special characters like + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : and \ have to be escaped with \ before this character if they are not used in an exact search with quotes.