
User profile

User profile

The user profile can be accessed via the icon with the user name next to it in the top right corner.

In the user profile, you can change the behaviors of the apps as well as change account details, password, contact, and address information, and adjust the language, time zone, and number as well as date formats.

The start screen can be selected in the Open at Login dropdown in the tab Settings. Here, you can select a specific or recently used app. The Home Screen is the default setting.

Time / Region

    In the section Time / Region, the Country, Language, and Timezone can be changed.

  • Changing the language impacts the display language within the app.

  • The timezone settings are applied to all date values within the apps.


In the section Formats, select the number, date, and time format for your country, if necessary. These settings apply to all number and date values within the apps.

General Preferences

    With the setting Open at Login, you can configure the apps that are opened upon logging in.

  • Home Screen – This is the default setting. The home screen displays all apps a user has permissions for.

  • last used application – The last used app which was open when logging off will be opened at the login.

  • <application name> – It is also possible to select a specific app, like the Masterdata Navigator or BIS Process Monitor of a specific logical system.

With the setting Display Table Actions, you can change the position of the context menu for executing actions (like restarting processes or showing dependencies in the Masterdata Navigator).

Toolbar – Actions are shown as buttons above the respective application table.

Row – Buttons are shown as small icons at the right of each row as soon as you hover over the respective row.

Context Menu – Shows available actions when performing a right click on the respective entry of the table.

To show the action buttons in multiple places, the respective combination can be selected (Toolbar and Context Menu or Toolbar and Row).