
Creating new user accounts with wizard

Creating new user accounts with wizard
  1. Log in to the BIS Portal.

  2. Open the app User Management Service.

  3. Open the menu item Users > Accounts.

  4. Click the dropdown menu New.

  5. Select With Wizard.

  6. In the step Assign Organization, select which available organization the user should be assigned to.

  7. Click Next.

  8. In the step Enter User Information, provide the required information such as Last Name and First Name, Email Address, Account Type and Validity dates.

    Note: In the section Account Type, for the dropdown User Type always keep the default selection Dialog User.
  9. Click Next.

  10. In the step Enter Login Data, insert the desired User Name.

    Information: We recommend the use of the email address for the user name, as the user name (like the email address) must be unique throughout the system.
  11. In the field On Save, select the action that should occur after finishing the user account creation with the wizard.

    Note: You can find more information on the selectable options at the end of the article.
  12. Click Next.

  13. The step Enter Address Data is optional and can also be filled out after creation of the user account.

  14. Click Next.

  15. In the step Enter Contact Data, add the contact information like Email Address and Telephone and settings like Language and Time Zone.

  16. Click Next.

  17. The step Assign Groups is optional and can also be filled out after creation of the user account.

    Note: Please see the following article for more details on groups: > Assignment of rights, roles, and groups
  18. Choose to continue or finish the user account creation.

    • To move onto the final step Assign Organization Units, click Next.
    • To complete the creation process, click Finish.
  19. The step Assign Organization Units is optional and can also be filled out after creation of the user account.

    Note: Please see the following article for more details on organization units: > Organizational user management
  20. Click Finish.

The newly created account details are shown.

Note: If the option Send Invitation was selected for the field On Save, the invitation email has been sent to the new user for them to activate their account.

> Activating a new user account via invitation

    You have the following options for the field On Save:

  • Send Invitation: This option is recommended and will be used in most cases. For this option the user will receive an invitation email containing the login URL and initial password to activate their user account.

  • Activate: Immediately activates the user account on saving without the user receiving an invitation email. The administrator will need to share the login URL and initial password.

  • Postpone invitation or activation: Saves the entered data without sending an invitation email or activating the new user account.