Cloud Shop

Booking a discount option

Booking a discount option

You have several options to redeem a discount code and thus book a discount option:

Booking a discount option in the menu item Discount Code

To book a discount option as an administrator, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app Administration.

  2. Open the menu item Cloud Shop > Discount Code.

  3. Enter a Discount Code.

  4. Click Redeem.

    The booking wizard of the service opens.
    • Click Reset if you do not want to redeem the discount code.
  5. Click Next.

  6. In the step Payment, fill in at least the fields in the section Address as well as the fields Phone and Email Address, if they are not pre-filled.

    Information: If you have provided the Payment Information in the menu item Company Management > Company, the fields here are automatically pre-filled.
Note: If you change the email address in the section Invoice recipients for eInvoicing, this email address is also automatically used as the invoice recipient in the menu item Company Management > Company.
  1. Click Next.

  2. Enter a Quotation Number if necessary.

  3. Confirm that you have read the Conditions of Sale and the Service, Contract and Licensing Regulations by setting a check mark in each box.

  4. Click Finish.

You will receive a booking confirmation via email.
Note: Depending on the settings, you may not be automatically assigned to the service, as charges may apply per user depending on the service. You can assign users to the service via the menu item Service Access.
  1. Click Close.

As soon as your booking has been confirmed by SEEBURGER, you will receive an order confirmation via email.

Warning: If the domain specified in the email address used for billing is deleted in the app Administration, this email address becomes invalid. A new billing address must be specified if there is no other email address with a valid domain.