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Roles and concept of access rights in the SEEBURGER Customer Portal

Roles and concept of access rights in the SEEBURGER Customer Portal

    There are three basic user roles in the SEEBURGERCustomer Portal:

  • Administrators

    Administrators manage service bookings, users, access rights and the company account in the SEEBURGERCustomer Portal. The first user of a company will be automatically declared the administrator of the company account. The first user can then assign the role of administrator or app manager to further users if required. An administrator can also book services for the company in the app Administration in the menu item Cloud Shop.

  • App managers

    In order to designate separate responsible persons for individual areas of responsibility in a company, administrators can assign app manager rights to users. App managers are thus only responsible for individual apps/services in the SEEBURGER Customer Portal and not for the management of their entire company, as is the case with administrators.

  • Users

    Users have no administrative rights. They use the services assigned to them by an administrator or app manager in the SEEBURGERCustomer Portal. Users can open the Cloud Shop and find out about the services offered. However, they can only request the services from their administrator, they cannot book them by themselves.

If you have any questions about your user rights, contact your administrator or app manager. The respective persons in charge are listed in the Administration app in the Responsibilities menu item.

In addition to the access rights in the SEEBURGERCustomer Portal, roles and access rights can be assigned to the users in the individual apps. These roles and access rights can be defined by the respective administrator of an app. This administrator does not necessarily have to be the administrator of the company account.

In the SEEBURGERCustomer Portal, multiple user accounts of your company are assigned to one company account. Your company is represented by the company account, the employees of the company by individual user accounts. The business email address serves as the log-in for employees to access their user account.

The employees of your company can generally register individually in the SEEBURGERCustomer Portal. The administrator then only has to confirm the newly assigned user accounts as belonging to the company account. An administrator or app manager can invite additional users to the SEEBURGER Customer Portal for the company and assign them access rights; this does not require contacting a SEEBURGER employee.

The registered users, services, and access rights in a company are managed in the app Administration. Here, in the menu item Cloud Shop, you can also book additional services.

The menu item Start is your start screen in the SEEBURGERCustomer Portal. Here you get an overview of the services assigned to you and can open them directly. In addition, current news are displayed.

In the menu item Users, all users registered for the company are managed.

In the menu item Service Access, all access profiles that can be assigned to users are displayed in a table. Using the button Users, services can also be assigned directly to users.

Note: Please note that activating additional users for a service may result in additional costs. For the exact costs, please refer to the Service, Contract and Licensing Regulations of the corresponding service.

Some SEEBURGER Cloud services provide a system interface using a REST API. External systems can access this API. In the menu item API Access, administrators can manage access to the interfaces for the system users. System users here are understood to be machines/programs, not people.

In the menu item Requests, you will find an overview of all requests received from the employees regarding the SEEBURGER Cloud services a company has booked as well as registration requests for the company account. Employees can also request services that a company has not booked yet. An administrator can then book these services and assign them to employees. Administrators can confirm or reject a request or send a message to the respective employee. Administrators also get an overview of all open and all closed requests.

In the menu item Company Management in the subitem Company, the basic information about a company is managed. In the subitem Org. Units, administrators can create and maintain organization units. Users or departments of the company can be grouped in organization units. Some apps offer the possibility to link the visibility of certain data to the organization units. The subitem Services displays the services booked by a company and the corresponding booking details. In the subitem Configuration, administrators can set and edit access rights for all registered users of the company.

In the menu item Cloud Shop, the services offered by the SEEBURGER Cloud are described and can be booked by administrators.In the menu item Reports, you can view and download your monthly SLA reports.

Information: By default, the menu item Reports is displayed for administrators if SLA reports are generally available for the booked services. In addition, users can also view SLA reports if they have been assigned the general role Report Recipient by an administrator.

> Assigning additional permissions to users

Find more information here:

> Inviting users to the SEEBURGER Customer Portal

> Assigning services and access rights to users

> SLA reports