System maintenance

Accounting and reporting

Accounting and reporting


In accounting, the messages processed by your BIS are counted. Your monthly invoice is based on this number of messages. In the invoice, you can see the number of processed files and the overages if you have processed more files than agreed on.

Definition "file": A file can contain one or more messages (e.g. UNH segments). If a file in the SEEBURGER service is split into several individual processes/files, the individual files count after the split. If several individual files in the SEEBURGER service are merged into one file, the individual files count before merge.

Definition "file size": The file size is always measured on the input side (before conversion). For outgoing files from your ERP to the trading partner, the ERP side (e.g. IDOC) is measured. For incoming files from the trading partner, the file in message format of the trading partner is measured.

Note: The number of messages in your invoice and in the SLA report can be different because not all messages shown in the SLA report are relevant for accounting. Some message types can be left out if agreed on in the contract, i.e. confimation messages for e-invoicing. The SLA report shows all messages because its scope is to show the overall performance of your service, that means all messages processed by your BIS.


The scope of reporting is the generation of automatic monthly SLA reports. The SLA report is a contractually agreed report that is provided to customers by the 10th of each month. It shows the performance of your service for that period. An SLA report summarizes the processing for your service.

In these reports, the following SLA parameters are described:

  • Availability of the service

  • Data volume (quantity and volume)

  • Malfunctions and incidents

  • Change requests overview

  • Maintenance announcements

If you are interested in viewing SLA reports, you can download the SLA reports for your services in the app Administration in the Seeburger Customer Portal. The menu item "Reports" is displayed for administrators when SLA reports are available for their services. In addition, users can also view SLA reports if they have been assigned the general role Reports by an administrator.

> Assigning additional permissions to users

Your service manager will analyse the report with you and answer your questions.

Find more information here:

> Registration options in the SEEBURGER Customer Portal