System setup

Integrating BIS Front End via stand-alone installer

Integrating BIS Front End via stand-alone installer

Note: The classic BIS Front End will no longer be supported with software version SP 158 from July 2024. The BIS Web Front End will replace the classic BIS Front End:

> Integration of BIS Web Front End

Note: It is not recommended to use the same download for different BIS versions because of the strict version requirements. Please use different extraction folders for each target. Also, for different BIS systems you will typically have different BIS front-end installers.

Note: For the log-in to the BIS Portal, it is necessary to open the right port within the VPN connection. That means you need to set up the VPN connection first.

To integrate the BIS Front End via the stand-alone installer, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the BIS Portal on both environments, staging and production.

  2. Open the app BIS Front-end Download to download the start script for the BIS Front End.

    Note: The app is only visible for users with the permission „AccessApplicationBISFrontEndDownload“. This permission can be set by SEEBURGER in the UMS.
Information: There is only one app per BIS system, independent of the amount of logical systems.
  1. Click the download link for your system:

    • Download (for Windows)
    This will download the ZIP archive (ca. 100MB, requires 190MB uncompressed) which includes a Java runtime for 64-bit Windows. This runtime will be supported and updated by SEEBURGER.
    The start script is a frontend.bat file.
    • Download (without Runtime, e.g. for Linux)
    This will download the ZIP archive (ca. 53MB, requires 60MB uncompressed) which does not include a Java runtime. You will need to provide a compatible Java runtime after unpacking the ZIP file.
    The start script is a file.
  2. Use a ZIP tool to extract the archive into a new and empty folder.

  3. Execute the start script to start the BIS Front End:

    • When using Windows, execute the frontend.bat with a doubleclick.
    The target system is pre-configured and you will see the login dialog.
    • When using Linux, execute the with a doubleclick.
      Note: You need to set the operating system PATH (verify with executing java -version because this runtime will be used when you start the The X11 server must be specified by the DISPLAY variable (typically DISPLAY=:0 for a local X11 server).
    You will see the login dialog.

Login for UMS users

UMS users can log in to the BIS Portal directly using their login credentials.

Note: To log in to the BIS Front End, you can use the same login credentials as for the BIS Portal.

  1. In the login dialog, in the tab Passwort, enter your User name and Password.

  2. Enter a Logical system.

  3. Select the Language you want to use.

  4. Click OK.

The BIS Front End opens.
Note: If you logged out and want to log in again, you need to execute frontend.bat.

Note: In case of unexpected issues while starting the BIS Front End, download the stand-alone installer again and extract it in a new directory.

Find more information here:

> Troubleshooting for starting the login session

Login for SAML users

SAML users can access the BIS Portal after logging in to their company account.

Note: To log in to the BIS Front End, you need to generate and use an access token.

  1. In the BIS Portal, open your user settings in the upper right corner.

  2. Open the tab Access Token.

  3. Click New.

  4. Enter a Description for the token.

  5. Click Generate Access Token.

  6. Click Copy and Close.

    Information: The token will be copied to the clipboard. It will not be visible in the overview. Please make sure to paste it immediately.
  7. Click Save.

  8. In the login dialog of the BIS Front End, open the tab Zugriffstoken.

  9. Paste your access token into the field Zugriffstoken.

  10. Click OK.

The BIS Front End opens.
Note: If you logged out and want to log in again, you need to execute frontend.bat.

Note: In case of unexpected issues while starting the BIS Front End, download the stand-alone installer again and extract it in a new directory.

Find more information here:

> Troubleshooting for starting the login session