Connect the Cloud

Creating new partner agreements for metadata-based routing

Creating new partner agreements for metadata-based routing
  1. Open the app B2B Directory.

  2. Open the menu item MBR Gateway > MBR Agreements.

    Information: MBR is the abbreviation for metadata-based routing.
  3. Click New.

  4. Select the B2B Directory Entry from which you want to send messages to your partner.

    Note: You can only create an agreement with a B2B Directory entry that has a configured cloudlink of the type SLMP Plus (MS), SFTP or REST, and is in the state Active.
  5. Click Next.

  6. In the search field, enter your search term to find the partner you want an agreement with.

  7. Click the search icon.

  8. Select your partner from the list. If your partner is one of the listed search results, you can request the onboarding of this partner.

    > Requesting the onboarding of a new partner

  9. Click Next.

  10. Check the information on your agreement.

  11. Click Finish.

The agreement is created.Your partner will be informed about the agreement via email.

Note: The agreement will be in the state Partner approval required and can only be used for productive sending of messages once your partner has checked and approved the agreement. After an agreement has been approved, you will be notified via email if you have set up the email notification for agreement changes. The state of an approved agreement that can be used for productive sending of message is Live Operation.

Find more information here:

> Setting up email notifications for errors and agreement changes

> Creating new B2B Directory entries