Roles and rights

Assigning users to groups

Assigning users to groups

Depending on the booked SEEBURGER services there are a minimum of two user groups:

User groups


Message Tracking User

Use this group to setup standard Message Tracking user accounts. This is for users requiring permissions exclusively for the app Message Tracking.

IAM User (global)

Use this group to setup an administrator user account. This is for users who require full rights on SEEBURGER systems, will manage other users, and require the ability to access and modify nearly all settings.

To assign groups to a user, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the BIS Portal.

  2. Open the app User Management Service.

  3. Open the menu item Users > Accounts.

  4. Select the user you want to grant rights to.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Click on the tab Groups.

  7. Click Assign.

  8. Select the group(s) the user should be added to.

    Information: The default group Message Tracking User contains the rights necessary to see the menu items Statistics, Search and Export in the app Message Tracking. If you booked further Message Tracking services, you can either add additional roles to this group or you can create your own group and assign it to your users. This depends on whether all users should be granted these rights or not.
  9. Click Apply.

The assigned groups now appear in the table in the tab Groups.

Find more information here:

> Assignment of rights, roles, and groups