Add-on Advan­ced Search

Add-on "Advanced Search"

Add-on "Advanced Search"

The add-on Advanced Search, allows for comprehensive searches within a system. It uses APACHE Lucene, a tool for full-text search, to look through all elements of message tracking and attached files, alongside the usual database searches. This means you can search for information using either specific query filters or Lucene query syntax.

Usually, data is stored in the system's database, with attachments kept separately. However, SPAS (SEEBURGER Information Layer Payload and Advanced Search) creates an extra index using Lucene. Lucene is for searching through large amounts of text. This index is made from both the database's metadata and the contents of attachments, and it is stored on the system's file system. The index is updated regularly.

With this index in place, you can create search profiles for message tracking. These profiles work similarly to ones you may already be familiar with, but they include additional search fields for the contents of attachments. These profiles use the search index exclusively for both attachment contents and all metadata fields.

    Advantages of advanced search:

  • Most significant: searching in payload content becomes possible.

  • Queries on multiple fields and certain wildcard queries perform better compared to database searches.

    Possible downsides:

  • There is a delay before data appears in the index (indexing job needs to run first).

  • Queries with wildcards may provide different results than queries on database.

  • Sorting may provide different results than sorting on a database.

  • Index needs a remarkable amount of storage of the Information Server.

The standard search queries the fields from the Message Tracking tables workflow, documents, and document2 (if they are used). This meta information is written to the tables while the data is being processed on the BIS. You can find further details about the standard search at the end of this article.

With the add-on Advanced Search, you can search within message content, not just in the meta information of the message tracking data. The contents of the processed files are indexed here in addition to the meta information. This allows you to perform a kind of full-text search.

This add-on is not included in the standard Message Tracking. If you have booked the add-on Advanced Search, we will provide you with additional search profiles with which you can also search for information in attachments.

    In this example, the new search criteria are Payload (Source) and Payload (Target). The following search operations are available for both:

  • contains/does not contain

  • is equal to/is not equal to

  • starts with/ends with

  • matches/does not match

  • range of

When clicking on Search in this example, the indexed payload data will be searched. The results of the search are displayed in table format as usual.

You can find more information on the advanced search in the following video:

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