Process monitoring

Process monitoring via BIS Front End

Process monitoring via BIS Front End

Note: Process monitoring within the iPaaS workflow is in your responsibility. System monitoring is the responsibility of SEEBURGER.

> Monitoring

In the BIS Front End, in the tab Monitoring > Solution monitor, you can find the status for the data processed by the BIS. This technical information is important for persons responsible for the implementation of BIS processes within the iPaaS workflow. You can create individual search filters there for showing the information you need most.

In this overview, you can check the issues of the BIS processes in detail while in the app Message Tracking you can only view these in a general overview. You can use the track ID from Message Tracking to find a specific process in the BIS Front End logfiles.

In the BIS Front End, you can also check the logfiles of specific adapters in the node Log files and find more details if an error occured. You can find a description of possible errors in the user manual for the B2B Solution.

You can find user manuals for the BIS Front End and the B2B Solution in the app Documentation in your BIS Portal. Search for the manuals Front-end/B2B Sol. Documentation.